MARCH 2021

Delivery Industry Solutions
Dao is looking at tapping into the biggest opportunity for EV penetration – the Last Mile Delivery. Lead by Delhi City Government, EV is becoming mandatory for cities delivery sector. The norm is to have 50% of delivery vehicles switched to EV by 2023 and 100% conversion by 2025.
Our global engineers developed our new delivery model, the Dao Zor405 with the goal to MAKE HARD WORK SIMPLE. Essentially through its tough & reliable quality and smart, convenient features the ZOR405 marks a new era in the delievry sector.
As IT enabled smart manufacturer, DAO elevates the bar and creates a revolution in the Last Mile delivery sector through a unique ecosystem and delivery solution. We will enable potential investors to get into Third-Party Logistics (3PL) and access the benefits of the fast growing Last Mile delivery industry engaging new migrants into the city to easily leverage their labor power for the sector.
Here are a few new developments that just happened in the delievry business sector: